Fall is a time of year that represents change – the changing of the seasons and, even more important this year, the change in your pocket.
From Friday, Oct. 1 until Thursday, Nov. 25, 1 cent will be donated to charity for every unique visitor to eduTecher, a free website that helps educators integrate technology effectively into their classrooms. eduTecher offers links to hundreds of web tools and sites, and provides information on how these tools can be used in the classroom. “eduTechers Change the World” is the brain-child of Adam Bellow, the founder and president of eduTecher, who has also guest-blogged for us on occasion.
“I truly believe that everyone, including eduTecher and all of the eduTechers around the globe, can make a real difference with this new initiative, and I urge all people to stop by the eduTecher website and lend a helping hand,” said Bellow.
Adam is pushing the campaign via social networking sites. It’s as simple as going to the eduTecher website and clicking a tab. If you choose to submit your e-mail address, you’ll receive a message once the campaign is over, prompting you to vote for one of five selected charities. Help to drive the campaign by promoting it through your Digg, Facebook or Twitter accounts, or by inserting a badge on a personal page. Aiding a worthy cause doesn’t get much easier than this.
Bellow is also encouraging a pay-it-forward approach by appealing to others to donate 1 cent for new visitors to their websites.
Starting Oct. 1, take a moment to visit eduTecher, and inspire those around you to do the same. Remember: “1 cent, it’s a little change, but it adds up and can lead to big change.”
Carpe diem! Head to eduTecher to Change the World!