Case Study

Battelle For Kids

Integrated marketing campaign leverages newly developed report to solidify status as thought leader in helping communities create future-ready, successful students. 


Battelle for Kids assists education leaders and school systems in addressing the complex challenges of today and tomorrow. This process starts by establishing the community’s vision for each student by creating the Portrait of a Graduate. 

Since the Portrait of a Graduate is not a proprietary offering, Battelle for Kids aims to reinforce its position as the leading authority on this concept—and secure additional customers with its comprehensive report, “The Future of the Portrait of a Graduate.” To effectively market “The Future of the Portrait of a Graduate,” Battelle for Kids implemented a multifaceted communications and marketing strategy designed to enhance visibility, engage stakeholders, and drive adoption among educational institutions and policymakers.

Education Marketing Strategy
Public Relations
Paid Media


  • Leveraged paid media to promote an early-release primer report, including an Education Week-sponsored newsletter placement.
  • Executed embargoed media pitching to preview the report with education journalists and secure media interest before the report launch date. 
  • Targeted prominent education outlets and distributed news release upon release of report.
  • Leveraged paid media, including an Education Week-sponsored webinar, to generate interest and credibility, and secure targeted leads upon release of the report.


CB&A secured media coverage and developed relationships on behalf of Battelle for Kids with mainstream media and key education trade publications. Coverage of “The Future of Portrait of a Graduate” report included Fox19 in Cincinnati, District Administration, EdTech Chronicle and STEM Magazine.

Nearly two months after the webinar and launch promotion, “The Future of Portrait of a Graduate” report was still generating daily downloads, providing valuable sales leads. 


campaign landing page visits


total leads


states represented at webinar


sales prospects meetings

1 Million +

unique story views