March 30, 2022

How to Be Highly Strategic in Your Content Marketing

As we’ve noted before, business-to-education (B2E) marketers need to be highly strategic in how they use content if they want…

Saul Hafenbredl
March 21, 2022

5 Key Education Marketing Trends for 2022

What are the major trends in business-to-education marketing that companies need to be aware of to stay one step ahead…

Saul Hafenbredl
December 8, 2021

Three Key Opportunities for Education Marketers in 2022 and Beyond

The sudden shift to remote and digital learning during the pandemic has changed so much within K-12 education. In turn,…

Saul Hafenbredl
October 5, 2021

How the Pandemic has Transformed Education Marketing

Although sales to the education market have remained strong during the pandemic, business-to-education (B2E) marketers have still faced many challenges…

Saul Hafenbredl
April 9, 2021

CB&A Client Briefing: COVID-19 Education Funding Overview

Education funding and grant highlights for education marketers First CARES, then CAA, and now ARPA. Taken together, these relief packages represent…

Saul Hafenbredl
November 19, 2020

Report: 2021 Education Marketing Trends

We surveyed education marketers to identify key trends to incorporate into their education marketing strategies for 2021, distilling data from our second annual Education Marketing Trends Survey into five key findings with important implications for marketers.

Saul Hafenbredl
August 25, 2020

How Efficacy Research Supports EdTech Marketing and Sales Efforts

New research reveals hidden revenue opportunities for education companies There are two increasingly common questions that district leaders ask when…

Saul Hafenbredl
Research reveals hidden revenue opportunities for edtech vendors
August 5, 2020

Register Now: Research Reveals Hidden Revenue Opportunities for EdTech Vendors

The importance and benefit of investing in education efficacy research Each year, Project Tomorrow’s Speak Up Research Initiative asks K-12…

Saul Hafenbredl
April 30, 2020

Report: Coronavirus Impact on Education Marketing [Download Now]

Education CEOs and Marketing Executives Report on How COVID-19 is Affecting Their Businesses COVID-19 has roiled the education market. Stay-at-home…

Saul Hafenbredl
Four Public Relations Trends for the New Decade
January 7, 2020

4 Public Relations Trends for 2020

The Public Relations Trends, They are a Changin’ As we kick off 2020, there’s no question that people have evolving…

Saul Hafenbredl