November 18, 2010

Tech & Learning Awards of Excellence

The winners of the 28th Annual Tech & Learning Awards of Excellence were recently announced and we are proud to…

Patrick Terry
November 4, 2010

Mobile Students, Mobile Learning: Is Your Business Smartphone Friendly?

It seems you can’t open an education publication these days without seeing a headline about the latest use for the…

Nate Towne
October 27, 2010

The Role Education Plays in Fighting World Hunger

“Almost a billion people are going hungry every day around the world,” according to Bettina Luescher, chief spokesperson for the…

Emily Embury
October 14, 2010

Innovate to Educate: A Symposium on [Re]Design for Personalized Learning

In early August, the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), in collaboration with ASCD and the Council of Chief State…

Brittany Dorfner
October 4, 2010

CoSN Award Nominations Due By October’s End

October brings a chill to the air in Wisconsin, and another deadline nipping at our heels. Oct. 30 is the…

Patrick Terry
September 29, 2010

Help Out a Great Cause: eduTechers Change the World

Fall is a time of year that represents change – the changing of the seasons and, even more important this…

Patrick Terry
July 13, 2010

Personalized Learning and the Five Monkeys

What a successful ISTE 2010 in Denver! Reflecting on that week, we learned about a number of exciting new initiatives,…

Sandy Fash
June 25, 2010

Learning? There’s an App for That!

More than 75 percent of teens own cell phones, up from just 45 percent in 2004, according to Pew Internet…

Emily Embury
June 18, 2010

CoSN Calls for Presentations for 2011 Annual Conference

I’m very pleased to announce that we have opened our Call for Presentations for the CoSN 2011 Annual Conference, which…

Keith Krueger
May 19, 2010

Ed Tech Industry Summit Preview

The Ed Tech Industry Summit, sponsored by the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), is the industry conference for the…

Charlene Blohm