Education Marketing Strategy

CB&A Education Marketing Trends & Insights for 2024: How Education Marketers Are Approaching Fiscal Uncertainty & Major Shifts

By November 14, 2023June 6th, 2024No Comments
close up photo of a pair of dark skinned hands holding a tablet that has the cover image of the CB&A trends report on it.

How solid is your marketing plan as ESSER sunsets in 2024? Our exclusive new research reveals there’s work to be done.

Through comprehensive surveys and interviews with education company leaders, we uncovered crucial trends, concerns, and strategies for marketing success in the coming year. Although optimism generally prevails regarding budgets and growth, anxiety is also percolating among marketing and sales teams — as well as executives. Tactics that worked yesterday may flop tomorrow. Misalignment between marketers and leadership threatens progress.

In this report, we synthesize our findings into a tactical blueprint for 2024:

  • Learn where your peers and competitors are directing resources, how they’re evolving strategies, and where the gaps persist
  • Discover how to get leadership buy-in on proven marketing strategies
  • Access data-backed recommendations you can act on immediately to get ahead of challenges, focus efforts, and set your marketing up for 2024 success

The future will reward the prepared. Get the insider information you need to thrive in 2024.