CB&A is an agency that values its team, and we hope you enjoy learning a bit more about the people behind the PR.
Dog or cat person? There is only one correct answer and that’s dog. I tell people I have a brother, he’s a dog.
Early riser or night owl? Early riser thanks to coffee.
Best PR advice you can fit inside a Tweet? Be authentic, don’t try to act like something you are not.
Number one song played on your iPod? Probably Taylor Swift. Haters gonna hate, hate, hate…
What would be your last meal on Earth? Deep-dish pizza with my grandma’s eclair cake for dessert.
If you weren’t in PR, what would you be doing? Doing something that involved writing or teaching.
What is the first meal you learned to cook? Pasta, just boil it and ready to go!
Favorite candy? Anything with chocolate in it.
Favorite movie? I am the proud owner of all eight Harry Potter movies.
If you could have one super power, what would it be? The ability to fly. Never have to worry about traffic again.
Best vacation you ever took? Boston with parents and sisters.
If you could have dinner with your favorite literary author or character, who would it be? Harry Potter just so he could use magic the whole meal.
What was your favorite part of going to school at Marquette University? Being in a city where there was always so much to do and a new place to go to.