Six years ago this month, we completed the process of relocating CB&A’s offices from San Antonio, Texas, to our current location in Cottage Grove, Wis., just 10 miles from Madison. To note the occasion, “Daisy” became CB&A mascot-in-chief as we shared news of our move with the ed trade press and members of our client family.
The response to Daisy was overwhelmingly positive, so we kept her on the “hayroll,” so to speak, and assigned her the high-profile job of promoting our Dairy Dispatch newsletter, which debuted in the Fall of 2004 as a entertaining way to reinforce our new address and contact information, and to share news highlights from the client family.
You can visit Daisy in her office on the CB&A home page, or click her nose to download the current edition of the Dairy Dispatch (PDF file, 736KB). The theme of the March/April issue is a celebration of Peeps, everyone’s favorite springtime treat and the subject of many a diorama.
The 2009 winners of the diorama contest sponsored by the Washington Post are featured in the newsletter, and the 2010 winners can be enjoyed here. You’ll enjoy the news from our client family as well; less fattening than a marshmallow candy, but extremely satisfying nonetheless. As Daisy might say: “It’s moo-velous!”