With ISTE just six days away, we’d like to share one more list of restaurants, shops and entertaining venues in and around Denver. With this and our previous three posts in hand, you’ll have no trouble navigating the city for good food and fun. Thanks to Jeanne Hayes, President of The Hayes Connection, Inc., Kevin Custer, CEO of AutismPro, and David Pendery, President of Crazy Poet Music Group, LLC, for their added suggestions on where to eat and what to do while in Denver.
— The Cruise Room Bar (located in the Oxford Hotel), 1600 17th Street, theoxfordhotel.com/the-cruise-room.html
— My Brother’s Bar, 2376 15th Street, denvergov.org/AboutDenver/today_driving_beat_stop5.asp (Burgers/bar food)
— Ship Tavern (located in the Brown Palace Hotel), 321 17th Street, brownpalace.com/dining/ships_tavern.cfm (Burgers/steak/seafood)
— Maggiano’s Little Italy, 500 16th Street, maggianos.com (Italian cuisine)
— The Broker Restaurant, 821 17th Street, thebrokerrestaurant.com (Steak/seafood)
— Simms Steakhouse, 11911 W. 6th Avenue, Lakewood, Colo., simmssteakhouse.com (Steak)
— ELWAY’S Downtown, 1881 Curtis Street, elways.com/downtown (Steak)
— Steubens, 523 E. 17th Avenue, steubens.com (American cuisine)
— Coors Field Tour, 2001 Blake Street, colorado.rockies.mlb.com/col/ballpark/tours.jsp
— Golden Brewery Tour, located on 13th & Ford Streets, millercoors.com
— Denver Museum of Nature & Science, 2001 Colorado Boulevard, dmns.org
— Denver Botanic Gardens, 1007 York Street, botanicgardens.org
— Denver Zoo, 2300 Steele Street, denverzoo.org
— Colorado Rockies game, 2001 Blake Street, colorado.rockies.mlb.com
— Colorado Rapids game, 6000 Victory Way, Commerce City, Colo., coloradorapids.com
— Concerts at Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre (open seven days a week), 18300 W. Alameda Parkway, Morrison, Colo., redrocksonline.com
— Cherry Creek Shopping Center, 3000 E. 1st Avenue, shopcherrycreek.com
— Pearl Street Mall, Pearl St., Boulder, Colo., boulderdowntown.com/visit/history-of-pearl-street
— Larimer Square, 1430 Larimer Street, larimersquare.com
— 16th Street Mall, 16th Street, denver.com/16th-street-mall
— Flatirons Crossing, 1 W. Flatiron Crossing Drive, flatironcrossing.com
— For ladies: Oxford Hotel spa, 1600 17th Street, theoxfordhotel.com/spa.html
— For gentlemen: Gentlemen’s Quarters, 1605 W. 17th Street, gquarters.com
To all our readers attending ISTE 2010, we wish you safe travels and a great experience!