As 2013 draws near, the CB&A team has taken the time to stop and smell the roses — the Badgers are going to the Rose Bowl after all! — and reflect on the major milestones, issues and events of the past year. We’ve compiled a list of our top five most-read posts of 2012 for your reading pleasure, as you nosh on holiday goodies and break in your new gifts.
- Top 7 Ed Tech Trends to Watch in 2012: At the beginning of the year, we highlighted the technology movements in the industry that would soon shape teaching and learning in significant ways. Number one on our list was mobile learning, and findings from the 2012 K-12 Horizon Report provide a good indication we were on target. Watch for an upcoming post by our team of prognosticators on trends to track in 2013.
- Multimedia News Releases: Grabbing Your Reader’s Attention: Although this post is a couple years old, our readers gravitated to it during 2012, indicating the multimedia news release continues to be a topic of interest to education marketers and other industry professionals. This post provides helpful tips and insights on creating a compelling online news destination that you can easily share with others through various social media channels, RSS feeds, and email alerts.
- The Five Key Phases of the District Buying Cycle: Another oldie but goodie. This 2010 post continues to intrigue our readers as they navigate the school district purchasing decision process. This post provides a breakdown of the phases and how they impact the sales and marketing process.
- Parenthood: A Window into the World of Asperger’s Syndrome: The education community is serving a growing population of children with autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger’s syndrome. Our post on the condition struck a chord with our readers. Our wish for 2013 and beyond is for greater understanding and support for individuals with autism spectrum disorders, as well as for the parents, caregivers, educational groups, researchers and medical professionals who are their champions.
- QR Codes, Public Relations, and You: As QR codes have become mainstream, the education market has taken note and incorporated them into catalogs, conference signs, contests and more to bridge offline and online connections with target audiences. This line from our post may embody the appeal of QR Codes best, “Scan me if you dare!” Read on for more background and useful ideas in this post.
Did your favorite post make the list? Share with us your thoughts on the topics and articles that most captivated you this year.
And, check out this list of the top 10 education stories of 2012 compiled by TIME: http://nation.time.com/2012/12/04/top-10-us-news-lists/.