CB&A is an agency that values its team, and we hope you enjoy learning a bit more about the people behind the PR.
Dog or cat person? Dog wins this battle hands down. I am a mother to an Australian Cattle Dog mix, Chief, and a mystery mutt, Bandit. They are the funniest duo and forever keep me entertained.
Early riser or night owl? A little of both. If I’m pitching client news, I’m definitely up and at ‘em early. If I’m doing research, I love to dive into investigating in the late hours of the night.
Best PR advice you can fit inside a Tweet? Want a loyal following? People don’t buy products or services. They buy stories.
Number one song played on your iPod? This is ever-changing but at the moment it’s a toss up between “First” by Cold War Kids and “Give Me Love” by Ed Sheeran.
What would be your last meal on Earth? This is a tough question for a self-proclaimed foodie so I’d have to go with a buffet where I can eat sushi, pho, jambalaya, barbecue and breakfast tacos in one sitting.
If you weren’t in PR, what would you be doing? Starting my own business or working as a journalist. I find the gumption and drive of entrepreneurs absolutely inspiring, and I love to meet new people and experience new things. I’m always on the hunt for a fascinating story.
What was the first meal you learned to cook? Pasta. Just add water. Super complex, I know.
Favorite candy? I’m a chocolate girl through and through. Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups – an indulgence you can hardly feel guilty about.
Favorite movie? Top Gun.
If you could have one super power, what would it be? To be in two places at once. Imagine all the things you could accomplish and experience if you had twice the amount of time in the day.
Best vacation you ever took? A family trip to Yellowstone National Park where we drove through nine states together and some how didn’t kill one another. It was a beautiful trip with beautiful memories.
If you could have dinner with your favorite literary author or character, who would you choose? Jay Gatsby. I’d love to go to one of his extravagant 1920s parties at his grand mansion in West Egg.
What was your favorite part of going to school at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay? Some of my best friends and mentors are from the communications department there. It’s so great to have a support system of incredibly talented people with similar interests who can relate to you both personally and professionally. To this day, I bounce ideas and thoughts off of these amazing reporters, social media rockstars, communication directors, radio personalities and marketing managers.