It’s time to fa-la-la-la, make a mess preparing homemade cookies and snuggle up by the tree with our new issue of the Dairy Dispatch, Holiday Edition. Santa told us you’ll get that BB gun you’ve always wanted if you settle by the fire and get up-to-date on the latest ed tech and special needs news.
Homes from coast-to-coast are enjoying inflatable Santas, stringing lights and fresh green garlands. So follow us in merry measure as we explore the song that started it all, “Deck The Halls.” While the “fa-la-la-la’s” are still beguiling us from 500 years ago, the history of the song reveals an unfamiliar usage.
Explore what our client family has sparked this holiday season: Institute for Humane Studies opens the glad tidings with it’s launch of EDvantage, an online curriculum hub; while Scenario Learning adds Making Schools Safe for LGBT Students to its suite of student wellness courses; and DynaVox launches a new technology platform, fully leveraging cloud and tablet technologies.
Although the once colorful leaves are buried beneath the snow, the holiday season offers boughs of holly, catchy songs you’ll sing for days, and the motivation to pull out boxes, untangle lights, and get festive. So bundle up, it’s going to be a cold and jolly ride into 2014.