Education Public Relation

Why We Support Emerging Ed Tech Companies

By June 14, 2016November 29th, 2022No Comments

SETDA_logo-480x141CB&A, along with our friends at Arc Capital Development and Academic Business Advisors, is once again participating in SETDA’s Emerging Technologies Forum. This is the third consecutive year we’ll lend marketing and business development expertise to fledgling education technology firms. It’s one of the most important ways we “give back” to the education industry.

What is it?

The workshop is designed for SETDA’s cohort of Emerging Private Sector Partners, some of the best and brightest startups in the education technology marketplace. The 10 companies provide tools focused on serving K-12 education needs. Our goal is to provide the new firms with practical strategies and tactics that help them reach more schools and broaden the impact of their products.

Why do we do it?

It’s not quite altruism, but our participation is driven by a sense of responsibility to the education community. The emerging companies that we’ll counsel are visionary in their mission, approach and end product. They have the potential to fundamentally enhance teaching and learning. As education industry veterans who have been around the block more times than we care to admit, it’s our honor to mentor these new entrants and contribute to their success. If our advice helps just one company reach and impact just one student or teacher, it’s all worth it.

What advice do you wish you’d heard when you were a young firm?
