I’m very pleased to announce that we have opened our Call for Presentations for the CoSN 2011 Annual Conference, which will take place in New Orleans, La., March 14-16, 2011, at the Hilton New Orleans Hotel. The conference theme is “Mastering the Moment,” and we will focus on how ed tech leaders can find innovative ways to strengthen investments in technology during the economic crisis. Given New Orleans’ experience with recovering from a terrible natural disaster and making the most of limited resources to rethink and innovate in education, the city is a great location for the conference.
From now until July 23, we’re accepting presentation proposals related to the “Mastering the Moment” theme. The call for presentations is open to both CoSN members and non-members, and proposals can be submitted in five presentation categories: Concurrent Sessions, Education Poster Sessions, Pre-conference Workshops, New! Great Ideas, and Birds-of-a-Feather Roundtables. To learn more about the conference and submitting a proposal, visit www.cosn.org. For ed tech companies, we encourage you to reach out to your key customers. Let them know about this important opportunity to submit a proposal showing how they are making a difference with the support of your products and services. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
In the coming weeks, I’ll share more information about conference registration and other details. If you haven’t already booked your ticket to New Orleans, do it soon!
Keith Krueger is CEO of the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN).