Classrooms Get Social
Are teachers leveraging the power of social media in the classroom? According to a study released by University of Phoenix…
Exploring How Special Education Fits into Testing Accountability Under the ESSA
The number of students in special needs programs under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) is on the rise. According to the U.S. Department of Education, there were a reported 5.83 million students with disabilities in 2014, a population that outnumbers English Language Learners (ELL) in public schools by 1.4 million.
How to Make Sure Your Social Media Marketing Tweets Are Seen by Educators
Social media marketing is an important element of any ed-tech marketing plan. But making sure your tweets are seen amid…
Storytelling to Engage Audiences — Case Study
A client that creates robots to teach K-5 students foundational skills in computer coding wanted to build credibility in the education sector and distinguish its products as not simply toys, but hands-on learning tools. To accomplish these goals, CB&A created a media strategy leveraging real-life stories from classrooms, teachers and thought leaders.
Trends to Watch for in 2016
The one thing that can’t be stopped – time. Before 2015 is entirely gone, we’ve put together a few trends…
Understanding Superintendents: How to Talk to Education’s Most Influential Decision-Makers (and Most Challenging Prospects)
While a teacher can make or break a product or service via testimonial, it’s the superintendent who represents the most…
Special Education Innovations From ISTE: An eSchool News Reflection
It’s been a month since ISTE 2014, but we’re still beaming from the Special Education Innovation Reception. Dennis Pierce (@eSN_Dennis)…
ISTE 2014 Preview
The 35th annual ISTE Conference and Exposition is heading to Atlanta this year, and so are we! The CB&A team…
CB&A Selected As Top PR Firm for Fourth Year in a Row
This week our education PR firm was elated to learn that we earned a 2014 Leadership Award from EdTech Digest,…
Fall Education Awards
As the leaves begin to change colors, several exciting opportunities are surfacing in the education and technology industries. Some of the industry’s leading organizations and publications will be recognizing outstanding products, entrepreneurs and educators.