PR + Social Media Summit Wrap Up
Recently, I attended Social Media Club Milwaukee’s (@socialmediaclub) PR + Social Media Summit (#PRSMS) at the University of Wisconsin –…
How To: Build Your Brand Using Social Media
Recently, I sat in on the “Social Media for Business” conference call with Peter Shankman (@skydiver), founder of Help A…
Dealing With Negative Comments in Social Media – and Calming Your Fears
Negative comments are inevitable – whether or not your company is engaged in social media. At some point, if they…
Districts Turn to Public Relations to Boost Enrollment
An article in the Aug. 17 edition of the Wall Street Journal sheds light on the use of public relations…
Increasing Blog Readership
Think like your reader. Why should they care? That’s the most important tip for corporate blogging and driving more…
How to Start a Corporate Blog
Corporate blogging is not about jumping on the bandwagon. It’s about developing a deeper relationship with your customers and other…
Tell Interesting Stories
Several years ago I had the pleasure of enjoying a tasty dinner (with a fun bit of dancing following dessert)…
Getting your Signal Heard Above the Noise
Communication – a lot gets said, but it doesn’t all necessarily get through. With so many voices to listen to,…