EdWeek Market Brief Summit

November 3-4, 2022
Renaissance Hotel, Dallas TX
2222 N Stemmons Fwy

Focused, Timely Intelligence for Education Executives

Join other education company executives as you learn and collaborate about critical insights into key K-12 areas including: where district budgets are heading, top customer needs, and strategies on how to support districts as they navigate post pandemic, among many other topics.

Through exclusive district survey results, benchmarking of education company peers, perspective from district leaders and industry experts, and networking moments with your peers, the EdWeek Market Brief staff will bring you up to speed quickly. We empower you and your team to understand and provide for your K-12 customer’s needs and plan strategy for the industry’s next big changes.

  • This conference definitely exceeded my expectations. The half-day sessions were perfect with my schedule. I found the panel discussion with investors to be particularly useful!
    June 2021 EdWeek Market Brief Summit Attendee
  • Thanks EdWeek Market Brief for the fabulous virtual summit! I know it's been tough with the pandemic, but you really knocked it out of the park with the content and communication. As a Sales Executive I took away valuable information that I can utilize to best serve my customers.
    2020 EdWeek Market Brief Summit Attendee
  • Every year I go to this, I think "It can't possibly be as good as last year's". And that's true, because every year it gets BETTER.
    2020 EdWeek Market Brief Summit Attendee
  • There are hundreds of education conferences each year, but nothing like EdWeek Market Brief Summit. It's the only conference where education marketers and sales professionals have dedicated space and time to discuss the topics that directly impact our work. EdWeek Market Brief Summit will always be on my list of must-attend events.
    2020 EdWeek Market Brief Summit Attendee
  • EdMarketer Virtual was the usual mind-bending parade of excellence. I’m still high on information from it
    2020 EdWeek Market Brief Summit Attendee
  • It was a great opportunity to get validation from peers on some of the things we were seeing in the market and to hear their observations. The topics were well chosen with the right set of panelists. Thanks for doing this!
    2020 EdWeek Market Brief Summit Attendee
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Who will I hear from?

Learn from this year's confirmed panelists, who include edtech leaders, senior-level district officials, and state-level policy experts. Check back for an updated speaker list!


  • Jaime Aquino, Superintendent, San Antonio Independent School District (TX)
  • Greg Bagby, Coordinator of Instructional Technology, Hamilton County School District (TN)
  • Emily Bell, Chief Information Officer, Fulton County Schools (GA)
  • Scott Elder, Superintendent, Albuquerque Public Schools (NM)
  • Scott Gilhousen, Chief Information Officer, Houston Independent School District (TX)
  • Diana Greene, Superintendent, Duval County Schools (FL)
  • Brooke Morgan, Coordinator of Innovative Learning, Talladega County School District (AL)
  • Scott Muri, Superintendent, Ector County Independent School District (TX)
  • Melissa Tebbenkamp, Chief Information Officer, Raytown Quality Schools (MO)


  • Ashley Andersen Zantop, Chief Executive Officer, Cambium Learning Group
  • Kelli Doss, Chief Talent and Equity Officer, Reading Partners
  • Brian McKean, Vice President of Sales, Lexia Learning
  • Lindsay Powers, Chief People Officer, Discovery Education
  • Alejandro Reyes, Chief People Officer,
    Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Anthony Salcito, Chief Institution Business Officer, Varsity Tutors
  • Melissa Schlinger, Vice President of Practice and Programs, CASEL: Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
  • Justina Schlund, Senior Director of Content & Field Learning, CASEL: Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
  • Melissa Serio, Manager, Education Research Partnerships, GoGuardian
  • Christy Spivey, Vice President of Customer Success, Istation
  • Anita Sprayberry, Senior Vice President of Strategic Relationships and Sale Strategy, Carnegie Learning

Who should attend?

Anyone who cares deeply about the needs of K-12 buyers and wants to make well-informed business decisions, including:

  • Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Product Officer
  • Chief Marketing Officer; VP, Marketing; Director of Marketing
  • VP, Sales; VP, Customer Success
  • Director, Research; VP, Strategy
  • Investors; Venture Capital, Private Equity, Strategic

NOTE: While we do invite District and School leaders to participate on panels and in social functions, this is to foster learning and professional development for the service provider community. EdWeek Market Brief is not an opportunity for commercial activity.

Research & Insights

Hear straight from K-12 buyers as you gain access to research, surveys, and lively panels that bring their needs alive. Featuring our time-tested EdMarketer research, you’ll gain leading insights on hot topics helping you understand the changing buyer landscape.


Join other Education Leaders as we focus on sharing solutions for today’s complex education challenges and strategies. Hear from District Leaders on how they’re thinking about this school year and beyond.

Today’s Context

Featuring 13 sessions presented by award-winning journalists and editors of EdWeek Market Brief, packed with valuable insights on where K-12 district budgets are heading and how best to support districts as they struggle with reopening.

  • Day 1 - November 3rd


  • Publisher Maurice Bakley opens our program with a presentation of themes we are watching as well as data on revenue performance, spending, investment activity and talent from our latest survey of K-12 business executives.

  • District leaders grappled with myriad crises during the pandemic. Entering a new school year, in-person instruction is once again the norm, but many challenges abound: staffing shortages, uncertainty about the future federal funding cliff, and questions about the long-term impact of unfinished learning during the COVID. In this session, we talk with a group of district leaders about how they plan to address the biggest challenges on the horizon – and what support they need from companies providing curriculum, assessment, professional development, social-emotional support, and other services. We ask how they and their district management teams are setting academic priorities for a post-pandemic learning environment, and what education companies have to do to prove their value and win the district’s trust.

  • EdWeek Market Brief Managing Editor Sean Cavanagh breaks down the results of our new, nationwide survey of district administrators on their top spending priorities for the next fiscal year, 2023-24 -- planning that is already underway in many K-12 systems. He also looks at what our research and reporting shows about overall K-12 optimism/pessimism about future budgets, the pace of federal stimulus spending, and more.
    Flash Briefing

  • When K-12 sales rebounded after the worst of the pandemic, many districts came to think of virtual, rather than in-person interactions with education companies’ sales representatives, as the norm. As education businesses have ramped up sales expectations over the past year, how have they managed issues with staffing and weighing the need for in-person versus online sales, which can vary from state market to state market?
    Panel Discussion

  • It’s one of the most common complaints that districts have about the companies working with them – that they don’t do enough to help implement products, post-sale. In this flash briefing, EdWeek Market Brief Staff Writer Emma Kate Fittes will break down highlights from an EdWeek Research Center survey of K-12 officials on where they think companies tend to go wrong on product implementation, and what key points of support districts need.
    Flash Briefing

  • Market Brief Publisher Maurice Bakely sits down with Steven Butschi from Google Public Sector to discuss key challenges in K-12 education, the technology trends evolving to meet those challenges, and what makes Google excited for the future of teaching and learning.

  • Many school districts around the country greatly expanded their use of both devices and online programs during the pandemic. They’ve faced a difficult decision since then, in figuring out what learning tools and systems they keep, and what they discard. In this session, we talk with districts that are going through a re-calibration of their tech use since the passing of the worst of COVID, and why they choose to pare down various forms of ed-tech, and add others. We will ask them about competing factors in play, from parent concerns about screen time to tech limitations to teachers’ new comfort with many forms of digital tools.
    Panel Discussion

  • The turbulence in the K-12 districts has led many teachers to explore jobs in the private sector. We talk with a former educator who made the transition from classrooms to the private sector about why they made the transition, what they believe they brought to their new roles, and about the critical forms of support and onboarding that helped them make the leap.
    Fireside Chat

  • Learn about the K-12 policy issues that should be on the radar of every curriculum provider. During this session, we'll unpack key trends expected to impact the education market in the next two years, including state and federal funding, standards updates, and adoption cycles. We will also discuss hot button issues such as balancing the need for culturally responsive education with restrictive parental rights laws in several key states.

  • What are the sorts of headlines and messaging that resonate with district administrators, and what falls flat? Attendees in this roundtable session will share ideas about messaging in emails, social media, and other marketing campaigns that have hit the mark or fallen flat – and explore why. Education Week’s chief social media strategist, Marina Whiteleather, will moderate and offer context on what the news organization has learned from studying audience behavior across its millions of K-12 users. 
    Interactive Session
    Salon C

  • The education market has gone through enormous upheaval over the past few years. As districts and companies attempt to look beyond the pandemic, what are the biggest questions that executives and managers have about how to manage both internal workforce dynamics and navigate shifts in how districts operate?
    Interactive Session
    Salon F

  • Many districts shut down on-site access during the pandemic, and as a result, professional development could only be conducted online. Districts now seem to presenting mixed messages to companies about what they want, with some suggesting that PD be conveyed in person. Other still want online support. We look at what education companies are hearing from districts, and how they’re planning on delivering PD going forward. 
    Interactive Session
    Salon G

  • Districts’ academic and spending priorities have been deeply affected by two factors over the last few years: 1) The rush to update and implement new forms of technology during the pandemic, and 2) The historic influx of federal emergency stimulus aid. Yet the end of that federal largesse is in sight, and many districts appear to be wrestling with the role that tech should play in classrooms, long-term. Given these questions, how can education companies position their products as sufficiently essential to merit inclusion in budgets when things return to “normal”? 
    Interactive Session
    Salon H

  • Ashley Andersen Zantop was recently named the chief executive officer of Cambium Learning, a supplemental education and ed-tech provider which has grown to achieve more than $1 billion in bookings, has 2,200 employees worldwide, and has acquired several companies. She previously served in executive roles at Capstone, Greater Good, and the Trudy Corporation. She offers advice about creating an environment in which women have opportunities for advancement, and how to remove barriers that could stand in their way.
    Fireside Chat

  • Day 2 - November 4th


  • Each fall the EdWeek Research Center and EdWeek Market Brief conduct an extensive survey of district and school leaders to understand priorities, challenges and plans for the year ahead, which we present at the Summit. Attendees often tell us they refer back to this body of work all year long as they make decisions around catering messages, products and pitches to customers in the coming year. This year, we will focus on our latest persona-based findings about the needs, preferences and wants of superintendents, district curriculum leaders, district tech leaders and principals.

  • Classrooms are the "third teacher" behind parents and educators. Study shows the design of the learning environment has impact on 25% of learning outcomes. However, the pandemic exposed an ugly truth that our current model of hybrid learning is built on a shoddy foundation. Learning-friendly virtual classrooms, instead of conferencing solutions, are thus called for. In the meantime, newly return-to-school teachers now desire more flexibility and autonomy over how and where they teach—a trend consistent with the rest of the working population. That means the next decade will witness the rise of hybrid-first pedagogies, which rely on better classroom design to deliver on their promise. Drawing on global learning research and educator stories, ClassIn experts will share their latest findings on the best practices of hybrid classrooms.

  • Demand for social-emotional learning continues to surge in districts around the country. Since the beginning of the pandemic, one-fifth of the organizations working in the K-12 market say they have added social-emotional learning to their product portfolios, according to EdWeek Market Brief’s research. But how can organizations – particularly those for whom social-emotional learning is not their sole focus – ensure that they are introducing SEL that resonates with districts and is rooted in evidence? In this session, leaders from one of the nation’s leading research and policy organizations, CASEL, will offer attendees a roadmap for navigating through critical questions in bringing SEL into products and programs. Key discussion points to include | How can SEL be effectively integrated into core academic lessons, in language arts, math, science, and other subjects? | How can research inform the development of your SEL product? | How do you need to think about tailoring SEL for every student? | How can you communicate clearly to address political/cultural objections that have emerged about SEL? | This session begins with a brief presentation, with the bulk of the time focused on answering attendee’s real-world challenges and questions in integrating SEL into products.
    Panel Discussion

  • Many of the spending decisions districts are asked to make are high-stakes. When it comes to investing in the sorts of tools and platforms that power instruction and shape district management, it’s a process of delegation and collaboration involving administrators across academic and technology departments, and in some cases, teachers. In this panel, we’ll talk with district officials who have been immersed in this decision-making about the process they follow, how they try to cultivate buy-in across the system, how the pandemic may have changed the process they follow, and what support and collaboration they expect from the companies seeking to partner with their school systems. We’ll also look at the extent to which federal stimulus funding has allowed districts to innovate or plug holes created during the COVID era.
    Panel Discussion

  • San Antonio Schools Superintendent Jaime Aquino, named to the role this year, has hard-earned perspective on the support districts need from education companies. He’s served in several leadership roles in major school districts throughout his career – including the Los Angeles, Denver, and Hartford, Conn., school systems. And he came to the top San Antonio job from Discovery Education, where he worked as senior vice president. In this 1-on-1 discussion, we ask about what he’s learned about how education companies can support and build trusting relationships with school districts, and why the two sides sometimes end up at points of disconnect.
    Fireside Chat

  • Can an education company operating in today’s K-12 market serve an increasingly diverse school population if the company’s own workforce lacks diversity? Many businesses in the market are increasingly saying “No.” How can an education organization build a workforce that is a reflection of school districts, and create a work environment that supports employees of different background? In this panel, we gather the thoughts of company officials from across the industry who have implemented changes with diversity in mind, looking at the challenges to be overcome and the upside in making it happen.
    Panel Discussion

EdWeek Market Brief Summit Sponsors

Learn More: Google Cloud
Twitter: @googlecloud
LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/google-cloud/

Learn More: Classin
Twitter: @classineeo
LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/company/classineeo/

Learn More: Westchester Education Services

Twitter: @WestchesterPub
LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/company/westchester-education-services

Why Sponsor the EdWeek Market Brief Summit?

  • Brand Awareness: Reach a nationwide audience of education business leaders and align your messaging with EdWeek Market Brief’s trusted brand.
  • Lead Generation: Capture high-quality leads from summit attendees and a broader list of those attending your thought leadership sessions.
  • Content Marketing/Thought Leadership: Build your brand’s reputation as a thought leader and position your solutions for success in the education business market with messaging at our event in pre- and post-event communications.

Interested in hearing more?  Email Karen McKay today!

You're In Good Company

Network with and learn from other executives this November! Our attendees come from leading-edge education technology companies, big education publishers with legacy brands, and small start-ups, making a name for themselves in the K-12 marketplace. In Dallas, you’ll be meeting colleagues from the organizations listed below (just to name a few!)

240 Tutoring | Accelerate Learning | Aperture Education | Big Ideas Math / Larson Texts | Boys Town | Branching Minds | Brolly | BYU Independent Study | C. Blohm & Associates | Cambium Learning | Capstone Publishing | Cengage Group | CenterPoint Education Solutions | College Board | Committee for Children | Cook Center for Human Connection | Copyright Clearance Center | ECS Learning Systems | Ed2Market | Edmentum | EiE, Museum of Science, Boston | EL Education | EL Success Forum | English Learners Success Forum | Equal Opportunity Schools | EVERFI | Gale, a Division of Cengage | Great Minds | Harvard Graduate School of Education / Professional Education | Imagine Learning | Istation | Kiddom | KinderCare Learning Companies | Kognity | Learning Ally | Learning Innovation Catalyst (LINC) | Learning Without Tears | Learning.com | Lexia Learning | Lincoln Learning Solutions | Learning.com | LinkIt! | Membean | N Ventures | NoRedInk | NWEA | OneScreen | Paper | Pearson | Progress Learning | Reading Horizons | Riverside Insights | Solution Tree | SpringBoard/College Board | The College Board | The National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) | TNTP | Torace | Transforming Education | UWorld | Voyager Sopris Learning | Waterford.org

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  • (full price $1,449)
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  • $1,049
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  • Non-Member Rate

  • Networking with over 50 Top Education Companies.
  • 20+ Speakers.
  • 13 Packed Sessions with Actionable Insights.
  • Voice of the customer with many District Leaders!
  • $1,449
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